- Dalystown, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland, N91 ARH1
- Phone: 044 9223127
- Niall: 087 2746226 | Tom: 087 2598288
- info@lakelandshootingcentre.ie
Each set includes 4 x 42.5 gram (1-1/2 oz) weights, 8 x fixing screws and a key.
Blaser Barrel weights for the F3 and F16 O/U shotgun which fit under the forearm and attach to the barrel weight lugs so are not visible when the gun is assembled.
Each set includes 4 x 42.5 gram (1-1/2 oz) weights, 8 x fixing screws and a key.
You can fit one or all four weights giving a total of 170 Grams (6 Oz) additional weight.