- Dalystown, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland, N91 ARH1
- Phone: 044 9223127
- Niall: 087 2746226 | Tom: 087 2598288
- info@lakelandshootingcentre.ie
Booking Session – Practice
€8.50 Per 20 Minute Session
You are experienced shooter with your own gun.You have proof of insurance/gun club membership. Session is for 25 targets. ( ammunition is not included). Priced per session/ per person.
For the experienced shooter we have available Olympic Trap (2 Layouts) incorporating Universal Trap, ABT, Double Trap etc.
Down The Line 6 Layouts
Compak Sporting 6 Trap
Sessions @ € 8.50 for 25 clays any disipline
Are you starting all available start times on the hour and if someone books more than one session will that run add a fixed time to the slot e.g. 1 session 20 minutes, each additional session 20minutes – or does this matter?
We understand that a max of 24 persons can be shooting clays at the same time – this would require us to lock the total number of avialable players in any start time to be limited to 24.
Will it be something like Booking for 8 people starting at 10am on Saturday 11 Jan will use up 1/3rd of available slots from 10am to 11am on that day – or will slots be broken in 20, minutes so someone booking at 10am for 3 slots – has booked from 10 to 11 and someone booking for 1 slot has used 10 to 10.20 and someone booking 2 slots has used ‘10 to 10.40