Reel Wings Flying Wood Pigeon Decoy Kit

Original price was: €35.00.Current price is: €15.00.

Remember Flying decoys are a great accessory because they can only be used when there is wind, this way the pigeons will not get used to seeing them everyday.

This flying wood pigeon decoy is made of a Rubber Material and flies in wind speeds of 8 mph to 35 mph it is very durable for years of use. Made from 80% rubber.  Fly these decoy behind your spread for maximum results!

Remember Flying decoys are a great accessory because they can only be used when there is wind, this way the pigeons will not get used to seeing them everyday.

ALL Reel Wings decoys are painted with Bird Vision UV decoy paints!

Check out our Wood Pigeon UV Decoy Paint kit to give you that extra edge Pigeon hunting. Also check out our new Reel Rag Pigeon Windsock Decoys.

A European favorite! (Thousands sold) AS Featured at the IWA Outdoor Classic!

What makes Reel Wings so Deadly is that they take wind to fly, each decoy reacts differently swooping and swaying so no two ever look alike and on the days that there is no wind of course they dont fly so the birds will not get used to seeing them every day. You can of course hook your Reel Wings Flying decoy to our new 360 motion pole for use on the low wind days.

All Reel Wings Flying Decoys are painted with Bird Vision UV Decoy Paints to give you the extra edge.
