- Dalystown, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland, N91 ARH1
- Phone: 044 9223127
- Niall: 087 2746226 | Tom: 087 2598288
- info@lakelandshootingcentre.ie
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Use the Hoppe’s Gun Vise on a stable surface to secure rifles and shotguns for cleaning and maintenance.
The Hoppe’s Gun Vise is a great addition to any gun bench. It has locking supports in the front and rear of the vise to hold your rifle or shotgun securely in place without making a scratch and a multi-position grip support for additional firearm stabilization. The vise is made out of a durable chemical resistant polymer and has multiple compartments and slots to keep your cleaning chemicals, tools and accessories organized while cleaning. Stay organized and make cleaning rifles and shotguns easier with the Hoppe’s Gun Vise.
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